
Beneficial effects:

Increased efficiency and productivity Improved communication and collaboration Enhanced education and learning opportunities Harmful effects:

Corresponding harmful effects:

Cybersecurity threats and privacy concerns Addiction and decreased physical activity Job displacement and loss of personal touch in communication.

Dopamine issue: Yes dopamine issues are very real. I have experienced it my self scrolling through tik tok and social media for hours. It is a real issue and definetely impact my personal study and success in highschool


Someone empowers themself by using technology to better their own lives, as well as the lives of others and using technology to benefit the world.

Something that someone empowered could do to help someone not empowered at Del Norte is, maybe if the student body really wants a change to happen or an event or theme to happen then ASB could push it through and try to make it happen

Yes an example of one of these barriers is the financial aspect. This goes for all of the world as well because without the recources of technolgoy you cant make urself digitally empowered.


  • Computer bias I feel like the bias between ages from google to tik tok is purposeful as over time facebook developers realised their audience was older people and started to shift its company towards pleasing that age group As for tik tok it ranges to all ages in my opinion now
  • Virtual Assistance The voices on these assitants are intentional as a women is seen as more friendly and caring. This is to make the experience more user friendly and nice. It is purposeful and it is not harmful, good business.

  • HP computer I think this was not intentional as they just didnt account for this problem too occur.

I think this happened just because their software wasnt experienced enough and they did run enough tests with people of a darker skin tone.

It should defintely be corrected.

oi bruv


  • Crowd sourcing A way to initiate crowd sourcing within CSP is to give a website where people can put their own opinions on the class. This will have a variety of opinions and through an average rating out of 10 collected by all inputs we can demonstrate the rate at which students like the class and display this to future csp students. This will let them determine if they wanna take the class or not.

I dont see how our product could be better with crowd sourcing.

The type of data I could collect is maybe evaluate how many people enter a certain classroom and compare this to another classroom to determinate which subject has a higher interest between students parents.


  • summary Digital rights are very important, they protect the product of whoever made it and allow your creation to be profitied on. It also helps you so that someone cant steal your work. Patents and copy right claims are used for everything from items to youtube videos to songs.
  • license Im keeping my apache 2.0 license. It is a permissive license whose main conditions require preservation of copyright and license notices. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights. Licensed works, modifications, and larger works may be distributed under different terms and without source code.


  • PII
    1. Ive seen pii in the flask portfolio project in the beginnning we put our information on the website thats personal.
    2. Pii isnt bad as long as the information isnt too perosnal like my number or address.
    3. A good password is something that isnt easy to guess and is different than your other password. A bad one is simple and easy to guess and is similar to your other passwords. Another step could be a secruity question
    4. Symmetric encryption uses a private key to encrypt and decrypt an encrypted email. Asymmetric encryption uses the public key of the recipient to encrypt the message
    5. I dont know of any
    6. I have never fell for a phishing scheme but I have seen it try to happen to me. This is common with social media and people sending links that hack your phone or phone calls with insurance scams or social security scams.