
  • I learned about documentation, libraries, and APIs. Documentation is a part of the AP Exam project part and it requires explaining what and how your code works. Libraries help make your coding experience more efficient because they are pre-written and you can reference them throughout your code. I researched one library that utilizes Python: numPy, which works with arrays.

Multiple Choice

  • B) a random integer between ‘a’ and ‘b’ inclusive
  • A) x = start, y = stop, z = step
  • A) random.item() does not exist

Short Answer

Libraries are convenient because they provide procedures and prewritten code to maximize the efficiency of programmers This procedure takes a list of strings and returns who will buy the meal today import random

takes user input, puts it into a list of names names_string = input(“Give me everybody’s names, seperated by a comma.”) names = names_string.split(“,”)

num_items = len(names)

uses random to choose a random number random_choice = random.randint(0, num_items - 1)

associates random number with a name person_who_will_pay = names[random_choice]

prints name print(f”{person_who_will_pay} is going to buy the meal today!”)

Coding challenges

import random NAMES = [“Aiden”, “Brayden”, “Bradley”, “Harambe”, “Charles”, “BigChungus”, “Chad”, “Brett”, “Dorian”, “Ryan”, “Varalu”, “Rohin”, “Advay”, “SmallChungus”] rand_list = []

def randomPeople(names, new_names): count = 1 while count <= 5: number = random.randint(0, len(names) - 1) new_names.append(names[number]) count += 1 return new_names

print(randomPeople(NAMES, rand_list)) [‘Charles’, ‘BigChungus’, ‘Rohin’, ‘Dorian’, ‘Aiden’] import random score1 = 0 score2 = 0

def greatestRoll(): score1 = random.randint(1, 6) + random.randint(1, 6) score2 = random.randint(1, 6) + random.randint(1, 6) if score1 > score2: print(“Player 1 won with a score of “ + str(score1) + “ points!”) if score1 < score2: print(“Player 2 won with a score of “ + str(score2) + “ points!”) if score1 == score2: print(“Both players tied with “ + str(score1) + “ points!”)

greatestRoll() Player 1 won with a score of 9 points!